Meet The Team

Meet the team behind Icecat Commerce! At Icecat Connect we collaborate closely with a wide list of customers in the e-commerce landscape, including suppliers, resellers, and online marketplaces. Drawing upon our extensive 25-year journey in this field, we’ve carefully developed a suite of innovative solutions tailored to streamline and automate various e-commerce tasks. These solutions are designed to not only enhance operational efficiency but also to elevate the overall customer experience.

Marc Weehuizen

Marc Weehuizen


Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Yagiz Cekic

Yagiz Cekic

Sales Director

Amsterdam, Netherlands

We at Icecat Commerce take great pride in promoting a multicultural workplace where a variety of viewpoints come together to spark creativity. These are the individuals who play a vital role in crafting solutions that simplify your e-commerce journey, making automation easier and more effective for you, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity and global collaboration. At Icecat Commerce, customer success is our primary goal. We are dedicated to ensuring that our solutions are customer-centric, designed to meet your specific needs and drive your business forward.

Elisabeth Kammerer

Elisabeth Kammerer

Account Manager, DACH

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Koen Gerlach

Koen Gerlach

Account Manager, Benelux

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Maria Jose Diaz

Maria Jose Diaz

Account Manager, Spain & LATAM

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ulrich Silberbach

Ulrich Silberbach

Account Manager, DACH

Starnberg, Germany

Carmen Au

Carmen Au

Account Manager, APAC

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sandra Rezki

Sandra Rezki

Account Manager, France

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Bence Varga

Bence Varga

Account Manager, CEE

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Otto van Bentum

Otto van Bentum

Account Manager, UK

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Bendik Nikolaisen

Bendik Nikolaisen

Account Manager, Nordics

Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Wouter Maatman

Wouter Maatman

Head of Marketing

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Irina Popa

Irina Popa

Marketing Specialist

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vaiva Zdanoviciute

Vaiva Zdanoviciute

Marketing Specialist

Amsterdam, Netherlands


Mehmet Akbulut

Mehmet Akbulut


Istanbul, Türkiye

Ibrahim Can Semiz

Ibrahim Can Semiz

Senior PHP Developer

Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Anna Khimonenko

Anna Khimonenko

Product Owner for Icecat PIM

Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Sena Besikci

Sena Besikci

Project Manager/Scrum Master

Istanbul, Türkiye

Jeroen Wouda

Jeroen Wouda

Senior Developer

Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Chouaieb Bedoui

Chouaieb Bedoui

Medior Developer

Mahdia, Tunisia

Eray Buyukakin

Eray Buyukakin

Senior Product Owner for Connectors

Istanbul, Türkiye

Yurii Mukha

Yurii Mukha

Senior Developer

Kyiv, Ukraine

Utku Catal

Utku Catal

Junior PHP Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

Metehan Saka

Metehan Saka

QA Tester

Istanbul, Türkiye

Gilbert Lici

Software Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

Sahin Duyar

Medior Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

Mustafa İren

Senior Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

Mustafa Can

Senior Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

Omer Faruk Ergor

Senior Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

Tech Support

Menno Greeuw

Menno Greeuw

Frontend/Backend Developer

Nieuwegein, Netherlands


Marco Noor

Marco Noor


Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Aletta van Bentum

Aletta van Bentum

HR Administration

Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Bianca de Jong-Vroone

Bianca de Jong-Vroone


Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Marielle Debrichy

Marielle Debrichy


Nieuwegein, Netherlands