For Icecat Commerce, a subsidiary of Icecat, we are looking for a PHP developer for our office in Nieuwegein. As an employee at Icecat Commerce, you get the opportunity to work at an international company with customers all over the world. Icecat Commerce is a high-end e-commerce integrator for medium to large companies. We specialize in providing supplier links and product content integrations, among other things. In addition, Icecat Commerce has developed its in-house e-commerce platform, PIM system, and supplier portal. In addition to these products, we also supply complete Magento installations. With our products and services, we enable our customers to automate e-commerce processes and maximize profits.

Job description

As a PHP Developer, you are able to translate the complex integration issues of our customers into the most optimal technical solution. You will then implement the technical solution in the best possible way together with your fellow developers, and you will also provide guidance to the junior developers if necessary. Together with the team, you are responsible for the development of our products and you have a lot of influence on their further development.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Magento Development back-end/modules
  • Magento Templating
  • Setup Magento shop environment
  • Adding new functionality and new technologies.
  • Development software with a focus on quality.
  • Ensure that the projects are successfully completed.
  • Solving errors and adding new functionalities for our customers.
  • Coaching of junior developers.

Requirements and qualifications:

  • You have appropriate training as a basis. HBO or WO diploma in IT (Informatics or Technical Informatics).
  • 3+ years of work experience in a similar position.
  • 3+ years of experience with Magento 2 projects.
  • You have a strong drive to make a product successful.
  • You are stress-resistant.
  • You are analytical.
  • You are strong in conceptual, abstract chain, and process thinking.
  • Experience with E-commerce (processes).
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Dutch language skills are a plus.
  • Strong knowledge of PHP.
  • API (XMLRPC, RestAPI, SOAP etc).
  • HTML, CSS, jQuery, javascript ervaring.
  • Strong knowledge of MySQL (normalization, complex queries, design etc.)
  • Source control GIT.
  • Knowledge of design patterns and OOP in PHP.
  • You have the drive to implement new technologies in our products.

What’s in it for you?

  • A challenging position in which you are given a lot of responsibility and freedom.
  • Flexible work arrangement (working from home options).
  • Type of employment: Full-time.
  • Travel allowance.
  • Holidays: 24.
  • Laptop.
  • Competitive salary
  • Reimbursement for independent pension accrual.

Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated. Contract duration 12 months

Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Netherlands

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